What if the card used during registration is closed?

Modified on 11 December

If the registrant notifies you before the refund has been issued, you can either issue a refund directly by check or email [email protected] and ask to have the refund issued by check. Please include the Race Name, Registrant Name and/or number and the exact amount to be refunded (fees included?).

If the refund has already been issued to a standard credit card, don't worry! The bank has to deliver that refund. They will either apply the refund to the cardholder's new account, or they may apply it to the old account and send a statement showing a negative balance.

Rarely, when neither of those is an option, they will reject the refund. If the refund is rejected by the bank, we will be notified and at that point, we email the registrant and reissue the refund by check. All this may take a bit longer but they will receive the funds.

Note: Unfortunately, if a refund has been issued to a prepaid debit card which has been thrown away, we are not able to recover those funds. If the registrant has the card information they may be able to contact the issuing bank to ask for help.