Resend a Participant's Confirmation Email
In some cases, a registrant of your race may ask you to resend their confirmation email. While all users have the option to resend their confirmation email on their own, this tutorial will teach you, the race director, how to have the confirmation email resent to them.
As a Race Director
When managing a participant, race directors have the option to manually resend a participant’s registration confirmation email. You can do this by following these steps.
You will additionally have the option to send a participant's registration confirmation to another email address in this process if you need to.
- Sign In to RunSignUp
- Go to your Race Dashboard
- Use the "Search by Name, Bib, E-mail, etc." box at the top right to find the registration
- Click Manage (making sure that it is the correct Event Date)
- (Optional) Enter a different email address in the Email Address Field
- Click Resend Confirmation Email at the bottom of the table