Add Membership Questions

Modified on 08 May

Add Membership Questions


Adding Membership Questions

After you have completed setting up your membership organization using the wizard, you can customize your registration process by adding questions if necessary. 

To add questions to your membership registration process, go to the “Memberships” tab of the dashboard, click on the subheading for “Questions”, and then hit “Create a Question”.

Question Setup

Questions are added one at a time. There are 6 different question types that you can choose from when you add a question: text field, check box, radio buttons, select menu, yes/no, and essay. 

Choose the question type by clicking on the corresponding button, and enter the Question Text.

Customizing Your Questions 

In addition to choosing the question type, you can also upload an image to display with the question.

For each question, you have a number of customizations:

  • Require Response: The question is mandatory and must be answered.
  • Internal Question: Enabling this option will hide the question from the registration path. A use case for this would be if you want to stop the questions from being prompted but not delete question responses that you have already collected.

You can also add Additional Details to your questions. This lets you provide additional information about the question being asked, which may help the members better understand your question.

After adding your question and customizations, click Save at the bottom or top-right corner of the page. 

*Note: At this time, each question will only be asked once during signup, regardless of the number of members in the membership or the number of memberships being purchased at once. 

Edit and Re-Order Questions

When you add a question, you will return to your Question List. This is where you can continue to add additional questions by clicking the orange Add a Question button at the bottom of the page.

Use the drag and drop icon on the left to easily re-organize the order that questions are asked. Click Save Arrangement at the bottom of the page to save the new question order. 

On the right-hand side of each question, click the edit button to go into the question and update the content and customizations. Click the trashcan to delete the question.

*Note: When you edit a question, you cannot update the question type. This is because responses are recorded in the initial format. The exceptions are the Check Box/Radio Button/Select Menu question types, which you can easily switch between.

Question Types

There are six different question types you can choose from depending on what type of question you want to ask members.

Text Field

A Text Field question is a short-answer, open-text field. When you create a Text Field question, you will be able to select from validation options to keep your data clean.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)

Check Boxes

The Check Box question type allows users to select one or multiple responses to a question. You can add as many options as you would like. It is simple to delete and re-order the answer choices by using the arrows or the "x" in the right-hand column. You can mark options as “default” so that they are pre-selected in the registration path.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are similar to check box questions, but only allow users to select one response.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)

Select Menu

The Select Menu also allows users to select one response, providing an alternative layout to radio buttons.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)

(Click the image to view larger)


Yes/No questions allow you to pre-select a default response.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)

Time Entry

The Time Entry question type allows you to collect the members' time entry. With this option, you can allow members to enter in a time.

You have the ability to set a minimum/maximum time that is eligible for the entry, and you can set a default response, which is what automatically show for the members when they first view the question (optional).

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)


Essay questions can be used for questions that require longer, paragraph-length responses. Normally, the Free Form question type will accomplish what you are looking for.

Setup (Director Side)
Usage (Member Side)
(Click the image to view larger)


Answers to your questions will appear in two places:

  • Reports >> Membership Purchases
  • Reports >> Individual Members 

To view responses to questions, click Edit Columns and check the box "Custom Questions" and click Apply Changes. This will show question responses as additional columns in the report. 

You can easily download the data by clicking Export Options towards the top and downloading as a CSV or excel file. 

The individual members report will show responses for each member. For now, if multiple members signup at the same time, they will only be asked the question once and will have the same answer in the individual report.