Manage Membership Director Access

Modified on 15 May

Manage Membership Director Access


Adding/Removing Membership Organization Directors

Since some membership organizations have more than one membership director (or administrator) RunSignup allows you to add and delete membership directors very easily. 

To manage your membership director access, begin by going to the Organization tab of the membership dashboard, and open up the sub-heading for Secure Access

Next, at the top of the page, you will find a section to Add an Organization Director

Adding a Director

In the Add an Organization Director section, you can input additional directors for your membership organization. 

Simply enter in the email address of the person that you would like to grant access to. And then click on the button to Save Settings at the bottom of the page.

You can add as many membership directors as you would like for your organization, though, keep in mind that they can only be added one at a time. 

Once you click Save Settings, an email will be sent to the email address that you entered in, and they will receive instructions on how to accept their membership organization access.

You can go to the Organization Directors section and you will see that the new membership director is now included in the table. 

Please note that they may be marked as Pending Invite Acceptance. This will update to say their name after they have accepted the invite. 

Deleting a Director

By using the checkbox under Delete, you can remove any of the membership organization directors from that list. Make sure to click Save Settings for the changes to go into effect.