Membership Notifications

Modified on 20 January

How to View and Manage Membership Notifications


Notification Settings

To view and manage the action-generated notifications, go to Organization >> Notifications

At the top of the page, you can set a "From Name" that will be used when these emails are sent. If nothing is put in this text box, by default, the email will be from "RunSignup". You can also change the reply-to email address. By default, the event director's email will be in this field. 

There are checkboxes on the right hand side of this table that allow you to select if you would like user, director, both, or neither to receive an automated email for each of these user actions: 

Edit Notification Content

To edit a notification, click on the notification name (blue linked text): 

Each notification will contain replacement tags that will auto-fill with the organization information and information regarding the user action: 

There will be a User version of the notification for notifications that can be sent to dsers (ie. purchasers, donors, etc.) and a Director version of the notification for notifications that can be sent to directors. 

You can also view additional information regarding the email placeholders below the notification: 

You can set additional email addresses to receive director notifications and select if these notifications should be sent to the standard email addresses (ie. directors listed under Organization >> Secure Access):

Test Emails

At the bottom of the page, there is the option to send a test email: 

Note: In the test email, some of the placeholders may have content that is not applicable to your organization. In order to test what will actually show in each field, you must perform the action.

Renewal Reminder Notifications

You can add up to 5 renewal reminder emails for members under Organization >> Notifications >> Renewal Reminder Settings

When adding renewal reminders, set the days prior to the membership expiration that you would like the reminder to go out to members: 

To edit the renewal reminder notification, go to Organization >> Notifications >> Notifications >> Membership Organization Renewal Reminder