What is this bank deposit or check for?

Modified on 24 January

Many Race Directors and/or Timers set up their Race to benefit non-profit organizations. 

If you are a non-profit organization and received a bank deposit/check from RunSignUp, then this is most likely a donation from the Race hosted by the Race Director and/or Timer. If you would like more information on the donors, please contact the Race Director or Timer.

If you do not know who to contact, please contact [email protected] with the date and amount of the deposit or the 5-digit Invoice # located on the front of the check.

If you are a Race Director/Timer that needs more information regarding the bank deposit/check, you can find the details via two methods:

1)  Navigate to Profile -> Race Payments. Click on View Details link for more information on that specific payment. Here is the direct link.


2)  View the Race Payment List by navigating to Race Dashboard -> Financial -> Summary -> Payments tab -> View the Report “Race Payments List” -> Payment ID link or Invoice No. link. Here is a tutorial on how to view financial summary.

If you would like to know the status of your bank deposit or check, see the answer to the question "What is the status of my deposit or check?".