Table of Contents:
- Basic Info
- Race Location
- Race URL
- Race Contact
- Events
- Processing Fees
- Donations
- Race History
- Enabling Non-Binary Gender
- Timer Information
- Contract
- Saving
The “Basic Info” setup is the first step of the RunSignup race wizard. After you have completed this portion of the race wizard, then you will be able to move from step to step at random, saving your changes as you go. Within this section, you will learn how to enter in the race’s name, location, and contact information, create events, and give a timer access to your race.
Basic Info
Once you click on the “Create a Race” button, the wizard will open up to you in the “Basic Info” section. Here you will be asked to fill out the race details. You can start by entering in the name of your race, followed by a description of that race.
Race Location
In the “Race Location” section, specify the location where the race will be taking place. Note: This is not necessarily a contact mailing address. The mailing address RunSignup will use for sending your race payments will be set in the “Payment Details” step.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to check spelling, because the city name will be used in the race’s permanent URL.
Race URL
Race URLs on RunSignup will be generated as follows:
Unless otherwise edited, the “YourRaceName” portion of the race URL will be defaulted to read the same as the previously entered “Race Name” (without the spaces). However, this portion of the URL can be changed to read whatever you would like, provided that it does not match an existing race.
IMPORTANT: This URL cannot be changed after completing this step. Avoid using years and other such specifications in your race name because the URL will remain unchanged throughout all renewals of your race (ex: You don’t want your URL to read 2013 for a race in 2014). Also, make sure that all of your spelling is correct.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to check spelling, because the city name will be used in the race’s permanent URL.
IMPORTANT: If you receive a message that the URL you have entered is already in use, you'll need to try a different ending to your URL.
Race Contact
In the “Race Contact” section, provide an email address that can be used for runners in need of contacting your race. The race contact e-mail address will appear as the “Reply-To” header of e-mail notifications sent to registrants. This allows them to respond directly to you.
Optionally, you can add External Race & Results URLs.
The External Race URL redirects your Signup button to another website if your online registration has closed and the External Results URL adds an additional link to the bottom of the results page that directs users to this link to find additional results.
You can add Facebook Page and Event URLs as well, which will add links to your Race Page to your Facebook Page or Event.
Event creation begins in the “Basic Info” section, under the heading for “Events”. Start off by entering in the “Event Name”. Then, let RunSignup know what “Type” of event you are creating so that runners can easily find it using our search options. Finally, indicate the start date and time of this particular event.
You can create as many events as you need for your race by using the button labeled “Add Event”, and if you would like to delete an event from your race, this can be done by clicking the trash can next to that event. Note: Empty event fields must be deleted before saving.
To arrange the events in the order that you would like them to be listed on your race page, use the up and down arrows next to each event.
Processing Fees
When registering, participants are charged a processing fee for their transaction. You can choose who pays the processing fee. There are three options to choose from.
Processing fee paid by race registrant- The participant will pay the entire processing fee. Your race will receive their whole registration payment.
Processing fee comes out of the charge- The participant will not pay the processing fee. Your race will receive their registration payment minus the processing fee.
Half paid by the registrant and half taken out of charge- The processing fee will be split in half with the participant paying one half and the other half coming out of their registration payment.
If your race will be accepting donations, you can turn this on here. This can always be enabled later.
You can enter an overall donation goal to reach, a donation description, as well as a donation page image. These are optional and can be edited later.
Race History
When creating your race you will be asked to fill out three required questions. The answers to these are not able to be changed and are only used to assign account managers and support to your race. It is okay if these numbers change or you don't meet your estimated numbers. (This will only show up when you first create your race)
Enabling Non-Binary Gender
There is a checkbox if you would like your participants to be able to select a non-binary option as a gender. After this, there is the option to allow participants to opt out of selecting a gender during registration.
Timer Information
If you would like to allow your timer to have access to your race, so that they can manage participants and upload results, then fill out the Timer Search Box to find the Timer you are looking to add to your Race. You'll be given an option to invite a Timer who is not already set up on RunSignup in this process.
In the final portion of the “Basic Info” step, scroll through and read the contract provided, and if you agree to its terms, signify this by marking off the check box.
Once you have completed entering in the minimum information needed for creating a race page, you can either choose to publish the race immediately, or save it as a draft to be published later.
To publish the race immediately and continue working on it, click on the “Save & Continue” button. To save the race and not publish it for the public at the moment, check off the box for “Save as Draft”, and then click on the “Save & Continue” button.
IMPORTANT: Although you can publish a race immediately, registration will not be enabled for the race until after certain elements in the “Events”, “Payment Details”, and “Registration” sections of the race wizard are completed.
After publishing/saving the race, all of other steps of the race wizard will be accessible for you to update and edit in the order that you choose. Note: “Payment Details” will need to be specified before setting up “Registration”.