Access and Explore Your Profile

Modified on 06 March

Whenever any user creates an account on, a PROFILE page is simultaneously created for that person.

The Profile page allows users to modify their personal information, keep track of and manage Sub-Accounts that may exist under that Main Account, review upcoming and past events, see results, review deferrals --  essentially a hub for all of the activity you have done on the platform.  

Accessing Your Profile

1) Click on the SIGN IN link at the top of GiveSignup | RunSignup.

2) Enter in your login E-MAIL and PASSWORD, and then click SIGN IN. If your login screen does not look like the image below. Click HERE to access the correct log in page.

3) Go to your PROFILE by clicking the PROFILE LINK at the top of the GiveSignUp | RunSignUp page.

Exploring Your Profile

Once you have logged in, your main account information will display.  Keeping it up to date will help the next time you are registering for an event or race.  You can rest easy knowing that your essential contact info and that of your i emergency contact info,  preferred giveaway size, and  credit card are secure.

If you continue to scroll down the page, you will the Sub-Accounts associated with you.  You will also see upcoming and past races, results, deferrals and sections devoted to your fundraising, groups or corporate teams.