After a race “Group Type” is created, as is explained in “How to Set up Race Groups”, then you will be able to set up automatic bib assignments for each particular group type. This section will walk you through the setup process.
Race Group Bib Assignment
After a race “Group Type” is created, as is explained in “How to Set up Race Groups”, you will be able to set up automatic bib assignments for each particular group type.This bib number will be in addition to the “per registrant” bib number, and you can have, at most, two (2) bib ranges per group type.
Bib Auto-Assignments
To begin viewing and editing a particular race groups bib assignments, select Participants > Groups/Teams > Bib Assignment
On the “Race Group Bib Assignments” page, you will find a table that varies in size depending on your number of “Group Types”.You will be given two rows for each “Group Type”, however, since “Group Types” can share bib ranges and may only require one bib range, all of these rows do not need to be used.
Set Up Bib Ranges
In the first column of the bib range table, enter in the “Starting Bib Number” of your bib range.Then, in the following column, enter in the “Ending Bib Number”.
IMPORTANT: A single group type cannot have overlapping bib ranges.
Next, decide whether this bib range is going to be the “Primary Range”, using the check box provided.The bib numbers in this range will be assigned first, and once all of the bib numbers in this range are assigned, then assignments will begin from the secondary range, if applicable.
IMPORTANT: One of the ranges for a “Group Type” must be the “Primary Range” and the other must not be marked as the primary.
In the “Group Types” column, check off all of the “Group Types” that will be utilizing the designated range of bib numbers. “Group Types” can only be assigned to two bib ranges.
IMPORTANT: If a pool of bib numbers is shared by multiple “Group Types”, then be sure to set a single range and check the box for each “Group Type”.
Below the table, you can check the box to “Set bib number on existing groups that do not have a bib number” if necessary.
Saving Bib Ranges
Once you have finished creating or editing your group bib assignments, click on the button for “Save Settings” in order for them to go into effect.