Edit or Cancel A Recurring Donation

Modified on 06 November

How do I edit or cancel a recurring donation?

GiveSignup | Run Signup offers the option of making recurring donations on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. When a recurring donation is made, there is an option to set an amount at which payments will stop. For example, if you choose to leave this field blank at the time of your initial donation you still could change or stop these recurring payments. 

To access your donation management page, you can do either of the following:


  1. Locate your donation confirmation email and follow the link to Manage Donation. Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated
  1. Alternatively, you can view your recurring donations page from your personal Profile.

My Recurring Donations will be located along with other financial links, in the sections just below your main account information.  


My Profile > Recurring Donations

The donation management page will list all your ongoing donations. Locate the donation that you wish to edit or cancel and select the Details/Update button to the right.


To stop recurring donations indefinitely, select the link under Disable Donation. This will take you to a confirmation page in which you can continue with the cancellation or, if you prefer, edit the donation instead. 

Edit the donation amount, the stop amount, or donation frequency, by enter changes in the appropriate fields and then save by selecting the Update Donation button.


Sensitive information, like saved credit cards, is safe thanks to GiveSign | RunSignup's strict adherence to PCI DSS compliance rules and not storing credit card numbers with any personally identifiable information. We use a Level 1 PCI DSS compliant storage provider that specializes in credit card storage, tokenization, and other secure payment processes to store the cards for us. You can be assured that GiveSignup | RunSignup prioritizes the security of its users while simultaneously delivering the most efficient and effective tools to support nonprofit organizations.

We have enhanced the functionality of saved credit cards to continue simplifying the registration and giving process for returning participants and supporters, particularly those who use mobile devices to register, donate, and fundraise. This new functionality adds even more value to our free and flexible platform focused on helping our customers raise more.