Create Custom Partner Pricing

Modified on 19 September

As a RunSignup Partner you have the ability to set your own Custom Partner Pricing which you can apply to all Races under your Partnership. This can be an easy way to automatically charge the registrants of these Races directly for services you provide to the Race - things like shirt costs, chip fees, and so on can be great use cases for Partner Pricing.

You also have the ability to adjust RunSignup's Normal Processing Fee in the same way.

Adding Partner Pricing

  1. Navigate to your Partner Dashboard.
  2. Select Financial > Pricing.
  3. Click Add New Pricing Scheme at the top of the following page.
  4. Add in as many Pricing Ranges as you require.

About Partner Price Ranges

Pricing Ranges will be applied to the entire cart value of each transaction that is made for Races in your Partnership. You can also apply a Per Registration Fee on top of these Pricing Ranges if you wish, which is described in a following section.

Individual Partner Pricing Ranges are defined by a Minimum Cost. The default RunSignup Pricing has six Pricing Ranges. You are free to adjust the default RunSignup Pricing Ranges by editing the table, or deleting them using the blue X in the right hand column and building them yourself using the green Add Another Price Range button at the bottom of the table.

For each Price Range you have you will need to set the Minimum Cost that this Pricing Range Applies to, as well as the Normal Processing Fee and Donation Processing Fee.

Normal Processing Fees are applied to the cart total of Registration Transactions, while the Donation Processing Fee is applied to the cart total of Donation Transactions.

For both Processing Fees, you can apply a percentage rate as well as a dollar value for each Pricing Range.

Adding Partner Price Ranges

First - use the blue Add New Pricing Scheme button to get started.:

On the next page you'll see your current Pricing Scheme listed, labeled RunSignup Pricing.

To add your own Pricing Scheme, scroll down past this section where you will see a table with fields that you can edit to adjust the existing Pricing Scheme. 

You'll need to provide an Effective Date that this new Pricing will begin to be applied.

This data is filled in with defaults from the RunSignup Pricing shown above, but each row can be deleted or changed, and new rows can be added as you see fit.

Adding Additional Per Registration Fees

You also have the ability to add on an additional dollar fee per registration. This will be applied to each Registration in each Transaction, and therefore is different from the normal processing fees which are applied to the cart total once.