Import Volunteers

Modified on 14 July

Importing Volunteers

Volunteers can sign up online, you can enter them manually, or you can import a list of volunteers. The Import tab lets you:

  • Manually enter Volunteer data

  • Import a list of volunteers

Manually Enter Volunteer Data

To begin manually importing volunteers head over to your dashboard and select Volunteers > Import

To enter volunteers manually one-by-one, you can use the easy form to input their information. Click the green “Add a Volunteer” button to add a new row for a new volunteer. When you have finished entering the Volunteer data, you can click “Import Volunteers” at the bottom of the page.

Importing Volunteers via CSV

To import a list of volunteers, you will create a CSV file with the Volunteer data. Again, it does not matter exactly how you label your columns, but in general you will want the data to match the data that you see in the manual entry form.

Under Import from CSV, select “Choose File.”

Select the Volunteer CSV file that you created. Once you select the file, you will see the fields are automatically mapped for you. You will want to review the fields to make sure that they are mapped correctly.

Select “Import Volunteers.” If a value was not recognized during the import, a pop-up window will appear and prompt you to correct the information. Once you have mapped the values correctly, click “Continue” and then “Import Volunteers.”

There will be a pop up to let you know that your import has been successful.