Quick Hits for Advanced Users

Modified on 18 December

If you're a RunSignUp 301 Customer, you know enough to know that there is a LOT you don't know. With thousands of updates each year, it's tough for even the most engaged user to take advantage of every feature on RunSignUp. Sales Lead Bryan Jenkins will run through a series of features that even our advanced users may have missed.

Watch the recording of RunSignUp 301: Quick Hits for the Advanced User

To SignUp for future webinars in our Endurance Event Education Series, please go here: http://resources.runsignup.com/webinar-calendar/

As a recap and reference guide, here are the quick paths to finding some of RunSignUp key features we discussed, and some links for more information.

Search Box
 Top left of your dashboard: Search for any item on your dashboard. Top right of all pages: Quick search for any participant https://runsignup.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/quick-participant-search/

Automated Emails
 Dashboard > Email Marketing > Automated Emails - Turn these on to cut down on manual notifications sent to runners – checkout the automated emails for incomplete registrations & price increases.



Email Reporting
 Dashboard > Email Marketing > Email Reports - Track opens, bounces, clicks, spam reports, etc. on emails that you send out from the system. You can also use this to see why a specific participant may not be receiving your emails.


Custom Reports
 Dashboard > Participants > View Participants - Report Options > Customize View - Pick and choose the information that you want to see on a participant report, and filter out all other data.


Shared Reports
 Dashboard > Race > Secure Access/Info Sharing - Saved Reports Access - Share limited participant data with other users, securely.


Financial Report
 Dashboard > Financial > Summary - You can find a variety of financial reports here; we want to point out the coupon summary.


Giveaway Reports & Projections, and Inventory
 Dashboard > Reports > Giveaways/Add-ons - Giveaway Projection Tool is at the bottom of the page to help you plan how many giveaways to order based on previous orders. https://runsignup.wordpress.com/2014/07/24/giveaway-inventories/

Loyalty Program
 Dashboard > Race > Registration > Loyalty Program - Reward runners from previous years, volunteers, or any other specific group by offering early registration... matched directly on personal info, so there’s no password to be shared around.

Basics: https://runsignup.wordpress.com/2014/11/26/loyalty-program-for-priority-registrants/

Updates: https://runsignup.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/loyalty-program-registration-extended/

Example: https://runsignup.wordpress.com/2015/03/14/boilermaker-loyalty-program-opening/

Reserved Entries
 Dashboard > Participants > Reserved Entries - Allow runners to register for an event that is (technically) full, without manual processing of payment and data import.


Google Analytics
 Dashboard > Promotion > Google Analytics - View demographic information on the visitors to your site... and monitor the effectiveness of your marketing with analytic web data on your dashboard.




Custom Content Display
 Race > Race Page > Custom Content Display - Our race websites have a lot of flexibility: you can pick what items are on the main menu, which ones are sub-menu items, and the order that it all shows up.


RunSignUp Website Webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/2744285741206412034

Repeat Participants
 Reports > Marketing Reports > Repeat Participants - See how many (and who) of your runners from previous years have registered again…and see who has not so you can target them directly. Update to show those who have not registered (checkbox on that page)


Participant Heatmap
 Reports > Marketing Reports > Participant Heatmap - Tip: Download into CSV and it will give you your top zip codes.


Disable Find a Participant Page (and other Miscellaneous Settings)
 Race > Race > Race Page > Misc Settings - Limit the participant data shown on the find a participant page.

Event Display Option
 Race > Registration > Event Display Option - Setup a custom label & description and image to highlight a premier or specific event within your race.


Customize Email Confirmations
 Race > Notifications > Email Customization - Include a banner – the race banner from your website, or another custom banner – on any automatic emails that you choose.


Offer Athlete Insurance
 Financial > Event Insurance > Setup - For races with a higher price-point, you can elect to offer your runners registration insurance that allows them to file a claim with an outside insurance agent if they are unable to run in your race.


Watch the recording of RunSignUp 301: Quick Hits for the Advanced User