How do I switch to direct deposit (ACH) payment?

Modified on 07 February

Check whether your payment account is processing under our Quick Start or the Advanced Payment account platform by navigating to Profile -> Payment Accounts.

Quick Start

You will need to upgrade your payment account to the Advanced Payment platform in order to switch payment methods. Go to your Race Dashboard and navigate to Financial -> Payment Setup -> Set Up a New Account (Drop-down menu).

From the Race Dashboard, navigate to Financial > Payment Setup.

You will be prompted to upgrade your current account to an Advanced payment account. Click on the button as shown below. If you were not prompted to upgrade, click on “Create New Account”.

Fill out the new payment account setup form and most importantly, make sure the advanced payment box is marked as shown below:

If you receive an error, double check the form is completely filled out and submit the payment account application again. This will send the new payment account for review by our Risk team.

Advanced Payment

You can switch the payment method by navigating to Profile -> Payment Accounts -> Manage -> Edit Payment Account.

From the Profile page, navigate to Director Links > Payment Accounts.

Select the Manage link on the payment account that needs to be updated. From the Manage Payment Account page, click on Edit Payment Account.

On the Edit Payment Account page, click on the Payment Method drop-down menu allowing you to select Direct Deposit. Enter your Banking information and Save Changes.

Important: Any time you change payment accounts, all transactions processed PRIOR to the payment account update will pay out via the account in place at the time of the transaction. Any transactions processed AFTER the update will process and pay out via the new account. 

For example, if you had a quick start paid by check payment account and upgraded to an advanced payment account paid by direct deposit, then any leftover transactions processed on the quick start payment account will continue to be paid out by check.