Linking RunSignUp Events to Race Director Divisions

Modified on 21 November

In order to download or upload registrations to or from RunSignUp, we must first match up the RunSignUp Events to Race Director Divisions.

Once the race has been selected from Tailor > Options > Partner Set-Up the next step is to go to Tailor > Divisions:

Race Director Divisions

In our example we're going to be linking a race with 3 divisions. We're going to first select the first division (in this case the 2 mile). Select the "Edit" button down at the bottom of the screen.

Next we're going to select the button which presently displays "RSU (Not Set)".

RSU (Not Set)

Using the dropdown box we're going to next match up the RunSignUp Event to our Race Director Division:

Select RSU Event

Once selected; Click OK and repeat this process for the remainder of your Race Director divisions.