Merge Two Accounts

Modified on 29 February

In some cases, a user may end up with more than one account on RunSignup under the same name, but different email addresses. These accounts may have been intentionally set up under separate email addresses at some point, or they may have been inadvertently created due to a typo in the email address field of the registration process. In either case, RunSignup allows you to easily merge these accounts so that they are accessible under a single sign-in.

The process is as follows:

  1. Log in to your account that you would like to keep
  2. Use the Claim Own Account link
  3. Log out of your RunSignup account

Claim Your Own Account

To merge two accounts, begin by logging into RunSignup using your desired account (the one you want to log in from once the two accounts are merged). 

Next, go to the following link:

A page will then show where you have to click the "send claim email" button first to send the email to yourself:

Log out of your RunSignup account, and check your email for the “Claiming your Account on RunSignup” message. 

Next, log into RunSignup with your unwanted account (the one you want to merge into your desired account). Return to your email, and open up the “Claiming your Account on RunSignup” email that was sent previously. It will read:

Below that message, click on the “Claim Account” link, and the “Claim Account” page will be opened up for you. To merge your two accounts into a single account, use “Option 2” on the “Claim Account” page.

Option 2: Merge with Existing Account

Option two on the claim account page allows you to merge the selected unclaimed account with your existing account. To do this, begin by logging into your account, and then decide which data you want to be applied to your account after the merge.

For instance, by selecting a radio button in the “Your Account” column of a specific row, then any spot where the information in the “Other Account” column of that row appears on the website before the merge, will be replaced by the “Your Account” selection after the merge (ex: in participant lists, results sections, donation reports, and so on). Similarly, by selecting a radio button in the “Other Account” column of a specific row, then any spot where the information in the “Your Account” column of that row appears on the website before the merge, will be replaced by the “Other Account” selection after the merge.

After selecting the desired information from each account, hit “Merge with Current User”, and you will receive confirmation that the account was successfully claimed. You will also see that your account information has been updated to reflect the selections you made in the previous step (if applicable).