In some cases, you may want to consolidate various user accounts under one primary user. Creating secondary users out of independent accounts allow you to move groups of people’s registration information into one account and are useful for families who like to register together.
The steps to convert an account to a sub-account are listed below:
1. You will need to claim the account that will become the sub-account.
2. Using the Claim Account email, you can use Option 3 to add this account as a sub-account of yours.
Claim Your Own Account
1. To merge one account into another as a secondary account, begin by logging into RunSignup using the account that is going to be the secondary user.
2. Next, go to the following link:
3. At this point, you should automatically be given a confirmation message that reads "claiming instructions have been sent to your email address."
Log out of your RunSignup account, and find the “Claiming your Account on RunSignup” email message.
Next, log into RunSignup with the account that will be remaining a primary account (the one you want to add the secondary user to). Return to the email, and open up the “Claiming your Account on RunSignup” message that was sent previously.
Below the email message, click on the “Claim Account” link, and the “Claim Account” page will be opened up for you. To add the original account as a secondary user on the current account, use “Option 3” on the “Claim Account” page.
Option 3: Add as Secondary User of Existing Account
The third option for claiming an account lets you add that account as a secondary user on your existing account.
For this option, you will need to be logged in under the account that is going to be accepting this secondary user, and then, simply click on the button marked “Add as Secondary User”.

You will then be brought to your profile page, where you will receive confirmation that the account was successfully claimed, and you can find the newly claimed account in your list of secondary users.