RaceDay Checkin App: Configurations (3)

Modified on 25 July

RaceDay Checkin App: Configurations

After you have created presets within the app, you can customize your configurations to continue to tailor your checkin experience. 


What are Configurations?

Configurations are collections of Presets and which events they apply to.

Configurations can be thought of as a custom "Mode" of the app for your checkin users to select. Configurations are where you assign your presets to events, along with other race-wide customizations, like hiding certain events, the way the search field works, preventing duplicate bibs, and more.

Users are able to quickly switch between configurations as needed from the race menu. 

My Device Settings are overrides to Configuration settings that will only apply to this one device. Because Configurations are synced to the cloud, you may want to use My Device Settings if you need to make a quick one-off change to the way your device works without update everyone else's settings. 

Add a Configuration

From the Participant Lookup List View, select the gear icon in the top-right corner. Click the plus button in the "Race Configurations" row to add a new Configuration, or open up the panel and tap an existing Configuration to edit it, or use the blue link at the bottom to edit the current Configuration.  

Customize Configuration: Select Event Presets

Once you have opened up a Configuration, the first thing you want to do is update the Event Presets. This will allow you to customize how the app works when viewing/checking in participants based on the event that they are signed up for. 

  • Use the dropdown to change the Preset used for participants in each event
  • Use the chevron on the right-hand side to edit the currently selected Preset for this event

Customize Configuration: Hidden Events

With this function, you can hide all participants from any number of events within your race. This may be useful is you have a lot of virtual participants that you don't want to see in your checkin process, or if you have separate checkin stations for each event in your race. 

Customize Configuration: General Options

  • Clear Search: Search terms are retained after navigating away from the search by default. You can make the system clear the search term with this. 
  • Timeout on Search: If enabled, will automatically reset the search after 5 seconds if no results were found after searching.
  • Hide Checked in participants: The app will only show participants who have not yet been checked in if enabled.
  • Auto-Show Camera on Bib Assignment: When entering into the Bib Assignment steps in the checkin flow, should the camera come up automatically, so a user scanning a bib number can quickly assign it to them?

  • Auto-Show Camera in Kiosk Mode: In the Kiosk Mode Lookup Method, should the camera come up automatically so a participant can quickly scan their bib to get their results? 
  • Auto-Print After Review: In the confirmation step of the checkin flow, should the app automatically print out a label?
  • Prevent Duplicate Bibs Across Events: Should the app prevent duplicate bibs from being assigned across all events within the race? 
  • Prevent Checkins after X Queued Edits: Should the app "lock down" and prevent users from changing any more information or checking participants in after some number of failed syncs?

  • Data Display: Customizes the data that is shown in the participant list
    • Options are Nothing, Checked in Status, Bib Number, Age, or Giveaway
    • Show Team Name will display the group/team name under the participant name if available
  • Exact Match Lookup: Determines how quickly the app will go to a result when it find an exact match.
    • Some users find the app goes faster than they are able to type, causing the system to bring up the result before they're done typing.
    • Can be set to Fast/Medium/ Slow or Off if you never want the app to automatically bring up a result.

  • Lookup Method: Determines how the participant list looks to a user.
    • Standard: A list of names is shown to the user for quick reference. Recommended mode if the user of the app is a staff member of volunteer
    • Kiosk Mode: Names are not shown in a list to the user. Recommended mode if the user of the app is a participant or spectator.
    • Tip: If using Kiosk Mode, use the Auto-Show Camera in Kiosk Mode setting as a walk-up results kiosk or chip check station. 
Standard Lookup Method
Kiosk Mode Lookup Method
  • Lookup Result: Determines what screen you land on after you look someone up.
    • View Participant: The standard participant view where you can see information and take actions on a participant.
    • Update Registrant Info: A screen where you can update information about a participant, like giveaway selection. 
    • View Results: A screen showing the race results on RunSignup for the user you are looking up.
    • Update Medical Info: A screen where you can Check In/Out someone using the medical checkin feature.
View Participant Lookup Result
Update Registrant Info Lookup Result

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to go through this certification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcC9Hd0e_64.