These settings are used when your event is planning on uploading results to RunSignUp, and like to enable real-time results updates to participants and anyone who would like to track them via Email and or Text/SMS.
Enable Results Notifications
The first checkbox enables the ability for participants to opt-in to real-time results. When enabled, two things will change.
- Registrants will see a step added to the registration process in which they can register for results notifications:
- The "Find a Participants" page will include an additional "Results Notifications" link next to each name so that anyone can register for notifications for any current participant.
If a participant decides to opt-in to real-time results during their registration, they can chose to sign up for text notification, email notifications, or both. They are able to register for multiple types of notifications.
Enable Split Result Notifications
Note - if you are planning on uploading results with split information, and would additionally like to send out notifications for splits as well as finish results, you can enable them by going to Go Race Day > Results > Customize Results Notifications. The setting is found below the placeholder table.
Disable Text/SMS Notification Registration
The next setting disables text message result notification registration. This means that once this setting is enabled, participants will no longer be able to register for SMS results notifications. If any participants had already registered for SMS notifications previously, they will still receive them.
Disable Notification Sending
The next setting allows you to temporarily disable results notifications and is useful for testing purposes, or if you need to post results later than anticipated and do not want to send out notifications.
Hide "Participant Lookup & Tracking" Item in Results Set Dropdown
You can allow chose to hide the participant lookup & tracking link in the Results Set Dropdown by checking this box.