Multi-Race Bundles

Modified on 17 May

The purpose of the Multi-Race bundle is to offer a choice to participants to buy a bundle of any number of races and events together in a single transaction across multiple races that you manage on RunSignup. 

IMPORTANT: With Multi-Race Bundles the funds WILL NOT be split among the different races within the bundle.  The funds will ONLY go to the race where the bundle was purchased.  There will be a report made within the race, to let you know how much is owed to the other races in the bundle.

How to Setup Multi Race Bundles

To create your multi race bundle, head over to your dashboard and select Multi-Race Registration > Add Multi-Race Bundle

Next, create your Bundle Name and set the dates on when this bundle will be available for.

  • Select number of races to include in list. 

    • The included races in a bundle can be set up in two ways. The first is to allow the registrant to pick X out of Y races. The second is to specify exactly which races are included in the bundle. 

    • If the Number of Included Races is equal to the number of races available, the second option is used.

  • Choose the race from the Dropdown Menu.  This list will populate with race that you have Full Director or Partner access to. 

  • Choose the applicable Events within the Race.

  • Choose the number of Included Events (most likely 1). 

  • Choose where you want the bundle to display on the Race Website of each of the included Races. 

  • Click on the green ‘Add Another Race’ button to add another race listing if more than 2. 

  • Set up Pricing 

    • Discount on Event Price - Percentage or Dollar amount off of Total amount. 

    • Set up Registration Periods - set Date/Price of total cost of the Bundle.

Multi Race Bundle Finances

To view multi race bundle finance information head over to your dashboard and select Multi-Race Registration > Multi-Race Payment Summary 

All of the money from a Bundle sale goes into the race where the Bundle signup was originated. There is a summary report of which race owes the other races in the Bundle. The transaction we did in this example was done in the Scott Coffee Run, so it shows the Turkey Trot is owed $9.00:

Likewise, the Turkey Trot shows they are owed $9 from the Scott Coffee Run:

Financial > Summary > View Detailed Summary 

Since the transaction is done in the Scott Coffee Run, you will see a new line for the Split Transaction from the Multi-Race bundle:

Financial > Summary > Transactions 

The full transaction amount shows in the Scott Coffee Run:

The new split transaction has the same first set of digits of the transaction ID, and has an appended Race ID (the – 22 in this case).

Drilling into the transaction on the Turkey Trot, it shows the $9 race fee at the bottom, and then the – $9 adjustment from the associated transaction for a net Amount Paid to that race of $0.

The Scott Coffee Run shows the other half of that transaction, with the two race fees and processing fee.

Participants > View Participants 

In the Participant View, you can see how much money is being applied to the race. There is a new field available in the Participant view Reporting – “Multi-Race Bundle”. This let’s you see which participants signed up for the race from the bundle. Note how the processing fee of $3.50 for the total transaction is split between the races based on the race fees.

Clicking on manage shows the full participant information. Towards the bottom of the center, you will see the details of the Multi-Race Bundle registration. This is very powerful since it enables all of the normal participant management/CRM features like being able to change events, transfer registration, refund, etc.

The Turkey Trot shows similar data:

And the participant information looks the same:

Look for more features to be added in the coming months!