Email V2: Select Recipients

Modified on 07 February

We make it free and easy to send unlimited emails from RunSignup. Our powerful contact lists let you send emails to contacts in RunSignup and import unlimited contacts to custom lists. Powerful replacement tags for both system and custom lists let you personalize communication. Our new Email Builder makes it fun and easy to build beautiful emails in minutes!

Select Recipients

The first step of sending an email is to select recipients. There are two major list types:

  1. Default RunSignup lists
    1. Participant List
    2. Donor List
    3. Fundraiser List
    4. Volunteer List
    5. Groups/Teams List
    6. Corporate Teams
    7. Other (Incomplete Registrant) List
  2. Custom lists

You can sort and select your recipient list using the dropdown at the top, the search bar, or by scrolling down the page and finding the list you'd like to use. Only select the lists you would like to include or exclude. You can select multiple lists to include or exclude. List selection is optional and not required.

Adding Single Contact

In addition to selecting Default and Custom lists, RunSignup allows you to add a single. This can be done by selecting Add Single Contact and entering in the contact email, first and last name. 

We continuously add default system lists to this as the email system gets developed.