RunScore Integration

Modified on 08 November

Posting Results from RunScore to RunSignup using the Native Results Feature

This is intended as a supplemental document for supporting timers who are using RunScore to score their events, but are publishing results to RunSignup. RunScore has an integration that has outdated support documentation that provides some incorrect instruction - this will help correct these issues and allow results to be published incrementally online.

For native results to work, the timer must be logged into their RunSignup Timer account that has access to the race they are looking to publish results for.  This is done by going to Tools -> Online System -> RunSignup (yeah, I know it’s styled as RunSignUp…). Timers should then Sign In using their Timer Account’s credentials (email/password).  

Timers can select Future or Past races and then identify the Race they are looking to integrate with.  They may then Download Registrations (and can select which events they want to import). RunSignup fields are mapped to their Database Fields during this process if the computer they are using has not integrated with RSU before, or if there are fields that are outside of their existing mapping (usually Custom Questions).

The most important part of this process is mapping the Registration ID.


Once participants are imported and the mapping is set up, the timer can create or edit a listing that includes these basic building blocks:

The top lines are necessary to tell RunScore that this listing is publishing results to RunSignup. The value for the “Runsignup Event” command must match the RSU Registration Event’s name. The Results Category will be the name that appears on the Results Set on RSU. These four lines should appear in this order, or the Timer may get an error. The current documentation on RunScore has them in a different order and may cause confusion.

Timers can select who is going to be in this report - that part is on them.

The Results Set will have more fields than are shown in the RunScore listing, however First Name and Last Name are required fields. RunScore can send additional fields if desired, the timer will need to adjust how they appear once results are online.

These commands calculate the Clock and Chip Time for participants - they should be output with these field headers for ease of use in integrating with RunSignup. Timers may have different field Results Event names than this, but the format should be consistent.  Whichever method is being used to sort the report (Clock or Chip) should go last, and should have the Place command in it.

To run the listing that sends results to RunSignup, Timers can simply hit Enter when it is selected, but it is best to Right Click the listing and select Incremental Run. They will then be prompted to pick which event triggers an incremental upload - this is usually their finish event.  

It is worth noting that Auto-Running the entire listing is not as efficient as performing an Incremental Run, as this method deletes and replaces the entire results set rather than just adding the new information. Additionally, should you have participants who were added manually to RunScore and not through the RunSignup integration, each time the listing is run a new participant will be added for each participant without a RunSignup Registration ID; if a listing is auto-run 2,000 times throughout the event it is possible that 2,000 duplicate participants will have been created. In these scenarios it is possible that someone from RunSignup may reach out to see if a better solution for your setup can be found. 

When this integration is fully set up, Timers will see the following files in their RunScore race’s folder

Some of these may already exist, others will be generated throughout this process. 

If a timer is struggling to publish results in this manner, it is likely that the results set that the listing in RunScore got mapped to has been deleted on RunSignup. If this happens, the timer should delete the file in their RunScore folder (named RunSignUpResultsSets.xxxxxx where xxxxxx is the RunSignup Event ID).

Including Splits when posting from RunScore to RunSignup using the Native Results Feature

On-course splits can also be published in this manner, but require additional setup. Splits need to be set up in RunScore before they can be used with the Native Results feature. To set up a split, the same process outlined at the beginning of this article must be followed - timer must be signed into their RunSignup account, and the correct race must be selected. Once the race is selected properly, go to Online -> Mange Splits


There will be a prompt for which RunSignup Event the split will be for. 

Splits cannot be shared between events, even if there is a 1 Mile split for both the 5K and the 10K they must be set up for each event individually, as this is part of the process required for the API integration to create a split on RunSignup.

When creating a split, there is the option to name the split and input the distance in either Miles or Kilometers. Keep in mind that the Split name will be displayed on the RunSignup results page, and the Split distance will be used to calculate the pace for the split.

Once a Split is created, it will show up in the RunSignUp_header_mapping file with an ID provided by RunSignup. If confirmation that a split was created on RunSignup is needed, this file can be opened and should look similar to this:

The Listing file in RunScore that is used to calculate the results will need to have additional lines written to provide the results for the split - note that the Field Header for the split’s time matches the Split Name (and, subsequently, the mapping provided in the header mapping). When creating splits, it may be beneficial to have the Incremental Run triggered by “All” reads, rather than just the finish line.  

The resulting output to RunSignup will now include both the split and the split’s pace:

Once results are set up, it is possible to modify how the Pace for a split is displayed by editing the Meta Data for the results set:

The Results may also be updated to hide fields such as the Pace for a given split: