Creating a Membership Organization

Modified on 01 May

Creating a Membership Organization: Membership Wizard 


Getting Started - Creating your Membership Website

Similar to races and other event types, when initially setting up a memberships page you go through a setup wizard. There are four pages in total. On the first page, you add the name of your organization, as well as have the option to add a description of your organization. 

You also set up your URL identifier and whether you want your membership site to be in draft, private, or public mode. You can also add in an organization logo, and select if you want to accept donations. Both of which you can edit after the initial setup. 

Creating Membership Levels

The second step in the setup wizard is adding membership levels. For example, you might have bronze, silver, and gold memberships with different costs and benefits associated with each. You can also choose to simply add a single membership that covers everyone.

To add a new level you click "Create a Membership Level." From there, you add the name of the membership

After adding the name, there are a few different things to decide on:

  • Duration: Duration refers to the length of the membership. You can choose to do the term in days, months, year, or set a custom duration. 
  • Start Date: You can set a static start date- meaning every membership starts and ends on the same day. Or you can make start and end dates dynamic and have them begin on the day the person signs up. 
  • Price: This is where you set the price for the membership level.
  • Multiple Members: You can choose whether or not a certain membership level allows multiple people on a single membership. 
  • Auto Renew: There are a few different auto renewal options you can choose from like automatic, member-enabled auto renewal (meaning the member can turn it on if they like), or you can select to not have the membership auto renew.

After making those selections, and saving the different membership levels, you move onto the payment information.

Payment Information

If you have an existing payment account associated you can select that or opt for a new one. You can get all the details on setting up a payment account here. This step in the process is also where you choose who pays the processing fees. You can choose to pass them along to the member or absorb the cost yourself. 

The final page of the wizard gives you the option to go to your dashboard or website builder. The dashboard is where you can edit different settings, as well as see analytics and reports about your memberships. The website builder is where you can customize the look of your membership pages.